Saturday, March 8, 2014

Secret Documents Left Out of the New Testament? Part 2

Tony Burke returns and dismantles the many myths and misconceptions about the Christian Apocrypha and straightforwardly answers common questions. Tony Burke, Professor Religious Studies at York University in Toronto, Canada, and author of Secret Scriptures Revealed: A New Introduction to the Christian Apocrypha. Aired on KKVV Las Vegas. Host James Allen

Secret Documents Left Out of the New Testament?

 Tony Burke dismantles the many myths and misconceptions about the Christian Apocrypha and straightforwardly answers common questions. Tony Burke, Professor Religious Studies at York University in Toronto, Canada, and author of Secret Scriptures Revealed: A New Introduction to the Christian Apocrypha. Aired on KKVV Las Vegas. Host James Allen

God in the Digital Age

 My guest is Andrew Byers, the Chaplain of St. Mary's College and a theological consultant for the CODEC Institute (Christian Communication in the Digital Age). He's the author of TheoMedia, God and the Digital Age. Aired on KKVV Las Vega. Host James Allen